Rice no Longer a Commodity
May 31, Jakarta. Perhepi (Pusat Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia – Center for Indonesian agriculture economics) in partnership with House of Rice hosted a discussion on rice consumer behavior: Implication to the national rice policy. The objective of the event was to discuss findings from a series of studies on rice consumer behavior; and hear comments from experts in the field.
The research, sponsored by Perhepi in collaboration with local universities, was conducted in 13 cities: Medan, Padang, Jambi, Bengkulu, Bogor, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo, Malang, Jember, Denpasar, dan Makassar. A compelling fact is that there has been a downward trend on the demand and consumption of rice as consumers’ income increases. However, rice is still considered an important food crop because it provides the cheapest sources of carbohydrate than other types. Other findings includes the endorsement to use information computer technology (ICT) and empower farmers to create their own packing, branding and marketing.
The event was co-sponsored by PISAgro, TPS-Food (PISAgro member), Bayer CropScience (PISAgro Member), Sumber Energy pangan (Kirana Group), and GAPMMI (Indonesian food and drinks businesses association) and attended by more than 50 participants that represented the government, businesses, academics and associations, and individuals.
Caption: Perhepi Chairperson Bayu Krisnamurthi gives remarks during the panel discussion session.
Cover photo @ PISAgro Secretariat