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PISAgro | Partnership for Indonesia Sustainable Agriculture

Working Group - Soybean


Soy is a crucial commodity in Indonesia, especially to produce traditional soy products like tempeh and tofu, which are an affordable source of protein. Indonesia has been importing soy for years, with domestic production only covering 30% of market demand. In a vicious cycle, Indonesia has been seeing a significant decline in planting area, as many farmers cannot compete against the price of cheap imported soy. As such, increasing the productivity and quality of local soy is crucial to ensure a continuous supply of low-cost protein. A further complication is that soy is not endemic to Indonesia, requiring significant resources to cultivate.


  • Delivering quality agricultural inputs (subsidized fertilizer and certified seeds).
  • Conducting coaching sessions, mainly focusing on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).
  • Providing cooperative development program in financial management, organization and social entrepreneurship.



  • 9,415 farmers participating.
  • Working across 2,847 ha of land.
  • 52% increase in yield from baseline.
  • 51% increase in income from baseline.



Leader: Unilever Indonesia

  • Association of Indonesian Tempeh and Tofu Producers (Gakoptindo).
  • Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI).
  • Directorate General of Legumes and Tuber Crops, Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Indofood.
  • Indonesian Bureau of Logistics (BULOG).
  • Nestlé Indonesia.
  • Syngenta Indonesia.
  • Unilever Indonesia.
  • University of Gajah Mada.